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Credit Score powered by our Bureau Partners Equifax® | Crif

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You will get the following benefits

 Watch your credit health improve
 Watch your credit health improve

Personalised action plan to improve credit health

 Watch your credit health improve

Detailed analysis and insights on your Credit profile

 Watch your credit health improve

Expert assistance to resolve your accounts with unpaid dues

 Watch your credit health improve

Best loan/credit card offers with low interest rates from 30+ lenders

Over 8 lakh people have signed up with us to build their Credit Health

In just ₹1,585/year*

In just ₹1,585/year*

What happens after you purchase 'CreditFit' program?

 Watch your credit health improve
Answer a few questions and set up your profile
 Watch your credit health improve
You'll get a personalised action plan to become 'Credit Fit'
 Watch your credit health improve
Our Credit Coach will talk to you & assist you with implementing your plan
 Watch your credit health improve
You will get resolution assistance for your overdue accounts to regain loan eligibility
 Watch your credit health improve
Build your credit score and then get loan & credit card offers from over 30+ lenders
 Watch your credit health improve
Reduce your EMIs by comparing market interest rates on loans
 Watch your credit health improve
Monitor your credit health with monthly and quarterly credit health reports sent to you on WhatsApp
 Watch your credit health improve
Check your action plan, updated quarterly, on your CreditFit dashboard
 Watch your credit health improve Watch your credit health improve

Subscribe to 'CreditFit' program and reap following benefits


score improvement for subscribers

 Watch your credit health improve


more likely to become Credit Healthy and loan eligible

 Watch your credit health improve


more likely to get loan offers from 30+ lenders

 Watch your credit health improve


likely to resolve their delinquent accounts

 Watch your credit health improve

See what our customers have to say

*18% GST charges applicable on the sign up fee

CreditMantri Finserve Private Limited Unit No. B2, No 769, Phase-1, Lower Ground Floor, Spencer Plaza, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002
Disclaimer : CreditMantri is a loan aggregator and is authorized to provide services on behalf of its partners.