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The National Digital Literacy Mission, also known as Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA), is the flagship program of the Government of India in order to promote digital literacy and thereby financial independence of those who are yet to understand the reach and potential of the digital revolution. In today’s world being digitally savvy has become one of the basic necessities/skills that a person may need for survival and thriving, this mission of the Government is to empower its citizens with technological literacy and the means that they would need to be part of and at par with the advanced world. This mission is aimed at empowering mainly the poor, rural and women of the country and giving them a fair chance for building a better life for themselves. This mission of the government is one of the major components of the ‘Digital India’ vision of the Prime Minister.
About National Digital Literacy Mission
The main challenge in the Digital India Mission is its reach and proper internet connectivity. With the help of many NGOs and many local government centres, it is feasible today for the government to reach even the remotest parts of the country and help its citizens get the benefits of the various schemes and programs launched by the government for the betterment of the public at large. In order to achieve this, to make digital India a reality and to impart the skills that are necessary in even the remotest corner of the country and to make them Digitally literate, the Government of India initiated the NDLM scheme which aims at making at least one person in every rural India household digitally literate by 2020.
As a means to achieve this, the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF) has set up Bharat Broadband Network Ltd. (BBNL) to roll out the National Optic Fiber Network (NOFN) plan. BBNL is tasked to lay out the optic fiber cable to reach all the Gram Panchayats of the country and digitize them. This optic fiber will provide connectivity at the speed of 100 MBPs and be used as the information highway to be utilized by all the stakeholders in the best possible manner to ensure the maximum digital reach and success of the NDLM. The BBNL has identified three pilot blocks for implementation and analysis of installing the fiber optic cable. These three trial blocks are in Arain (Rajasthan); Naogang (North Tripura) and Pravada (Visakhapatnam). The ultimate aim of this project is to implement digital literacy to at least one person from each household in the rural and poor areas of the country.
The vision of the NDLM is a creation of a consortium involving a lot of stakeholders that work in coordination/sync with the Government of India and their various schemes and programs to show a few panchayat constituencies he benefits of digital empowerment with respect to aspects like social inclusion, empowerment, educational and employment and social governance.
Following are the objectives of the NDLM –
The various stakeholders of the National Digital Literacy Mission and their scope are detailed below.
BBNL (Bharat Broadband Network Limited) was established as a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) in the year 2012. In 2011, the Government of India had approved the setting up of National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) in order to bring together all the 2,50,000 gram panchayats by using all existing optical fiber and bringing it to Gram Panchayats. As per the Mission plan, for executing this strategy, other important players like RailTel, PGCIL and BSNL have also been assigned. C-DOT, BSNL, NIC, TCIL, PGCIL, RailTel are working together with BBNL on this NOFN project which is funded by USOF.
Intel Corporation :-
Intel Corporation is another important stakeholder in the NDLM project with the aim to educate at least one person per household about digital literacy, its benefits and scope for the advancement and betterment of the public at large.
DEF :-
The idea behind the initiation of the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) was the upliftment of the downtrodden and creation of economic and commercial feasibility with the use of Information Communication and Technology resources. DEF had complimented the efforts of the BBNL up on its initiation by the Universal Services Obligation fund (USOF) with the development of the NDLM. The main objective of the National Digital Literacy Mission is to equip the rural masses of the country with the advantages of digital literacy and to ensure their better and brighter future as well as maximum economic inclusion.
The Panchayat Committee :-
The Panchayat Committees have a crucial role to play in the NDLM and they are the bridge between the various stakeholders of the mission and the ultimate recipients of the benefits of the program. The knowledge consortium developed by the various stakeholders of the program in coordination and co-operation of the Government would show the Panchayat Committees the fruits of digital literacy in terms of employment, education, social inclusion, better governance, and overall empowerment of the rural population of the country. To this end, the co-operation of the Panchayat Committees is of utmost importance for the success of this mission.
The purpose of the NDLM is to achieve the following through its efforts,
The project also aims to create the following as its components
The NDLM program provides two levels of training to the citizens with the aim to fulfill the Digital India vision of the Prime Minister. The details of such training, cost involved, eligibility etc. are mentioned below.
Level 1 - Appreciation of Digital literacy :-
Level 2 – Basics of Digital Literacy :-
The documents required for the Anganwadi workers, ASHA workers and ration dealers are,
The documents required for General Candidates are
The Training Partners have to appoint the Training Centres in the selected Gram Panchayats that would need minimum human, technical and infrastructural requirement. A training partner would have the responsibility of managing all the centres registered under it.
They are required to meet the following criteria:
The training centres appointed are responsible for the following:
CSC SPV is the programme management unit (PMU) in order to monitor and implement the NDLM. The responsibilities of PMU include providing the required support to state agencies in various tasks that involve development of curriculum, development of online mechanisms that would enable the authorities in monitoring and registration, conducting workshops, managing events, programme design, etc. The objectives of PMU in NDLM include the following.
The DEF was founded/established in the year 2002 and has come a long way in achieving its goals. Following are a gist of the highlights or the milestones achieved by the program
1. What is the course duration of Level 1 of the Digital literacy program of the NDLM?
The course duration of Level 1 of the program is a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 30 days.
2. Who are the stakeholders in the NDLM?
There are 4 categories of stakeholders under the NDLM namely BBNL (Bharat Broadband Network Limited), Intel Corporation, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and the panchayat Committees.
3. How many levels of training are involved as per the NDML program?
The NDLM offers 2 levels of training which involves introduction, basics and then advanced levels of digital knowledge and awareness of government services and related schemes and the means to make optimum utilization of the same.
4. What are the fees for the training programs?
The fees for SC/ST/BPL Households for both the levels of training are NIL, whereas for the General candidates, the fees for Level 1 are Rs. 125 and for Level 2 is Rs. 250.
5. Can all the members of the family enroll or be part of the NDLM program?
The NDLM program aims to impart digital awareness and knowledge to one member for every household of the poor, rural citizens of the country. Under this scheme/program, only one eligible member from each household can enroll for the required training.
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