
Guwahati is the largest city in the state of Guwahati as well as the largest metropolis in North-Eastern India. It is also known as the gateway to North-East India. The city is also known as the ‘City of Temples’ as there are many ancient Hindu Temples in the city. Guwahati also has a huge range of diverse wildlife and scenic beauty that makes it a huge tourist attraction attracting tourists from all over the world.

Guwahati has numerous private and public hospitals that provide round the clock medical services to its citizens. However, there are many hurdles in providing good health care to the citizens of the city. Some of these hurdles include the access to good hospitals, the high treatment costs for serious illnesses and diseases, the financial strain it puts on the patients, etc. it is, therefore, essential for every person in Guwahati to have a good health insurance policy for themselves and their family members.

Additional Reading: Types-of-health-insurance-plans

What is the need for health insurance in Guwahati?

Health emergencies come unannounced and often leave the patients and their families in huge financial and emotional stress. This stress can be reduced to some extent by getting a health insurance plan. A good health insurance plan can safeguard the person and their family members through the tough times like getting prompt medical attention in the hour of need without having to pay any cash payment or payment in any other form.

The Government of India has provided tax benefits on the purchase of health insurance to promote it and increase its reach among the citizens of the country. These tax benefits include a tax deduction under section 80D of up to Rs.25,000 if the individual is below the age of 60 years and up to Rs. 50,000 if the individual is above 60 years of age. Furthermore, if both the individual and their parents are above the age of 60 years, the tax deduction can be up to Rs. 1,00,000.

These benefits are the prime reasons that make it important for every individual in Guwahati to get a good health insurance plan for themselves and their family members.

Additional Reading: What-is-health-insurance

What are the factors needed to consider while taking a health insurance policy in Guwahati?

There are several factors that have to be considered while taking a health insurance policy in Guwahati. Some of these factors are mentioned above.

Cashless treatment

Cashless treatments are one of the prime benefits of any health insurance plan. Applicants have to look for a plan that provides them with this benefit and also has a good network of hospitals that permit cashless treatments.

Coverage of Covid 19 treatment 

IRDAI has mandated that the insurance plans have to include the coverage for covid treatment. This treatment will include a home treatment as well. The health insurance plan will also cover the cost of medical equipment and necessities like gloves, masks, PPE Kits, etc.

Coverage of ambulance fees

Health insurance also provides cover for the ambulance costs post-hospitalization of the patient. Not all plans may provide this benefit. Applicants have to select the plan that has this benefit included.

Coverage of pre and post hospitalization expenses

Health insurance plans provide the benefit of coverage for pre and post-hospitalization expenses. This ensures that the patients and their family members are not burdened with the cost of hospitalization.

Availability of No Claim Bonus

Most health insurance policies provide a percentage of the policy as a bonus if there is no claim raised by the insured person in the previous year. This is an added benefit provided by the health insurance provides that has to be considered while taking a health insurance plan.

Coverage for approved pre-existing diseases and illnesses

Most insurers have a list of diseases or illnesses that are pre-qualified to be included in the health insurance plan. An insured person can raise a claim for hospitalization of such pre-0existing diseases and illnesses.

Coverage for Ayush Treatment

IRDAI has recently approved the benefit of providing cover for AYUSH treatment measures as well. These treatment modes include Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, Homeopathy and Siddha. Health insurance covers providing these added benefits should be preferred by applicants.

Availability of daily hospital cash

Health insurance plans also provide for a fixed daily hospital cash facility. This benefit allows the insured person to get a fixed amount for expenses during hospitalization. This further eases the burden of the patient and their family members.

The tax benefit provided by the health insurance plan

Tax benefits are a very crucial benefit of any health insurance plan. Insured persons can get a tax deduction of up to Rs. 1,00,000 provided both the individual and parents are above the age of 60 years.

Additional Reading: General-advice-for-health-insurance

FAQs - Health Insurance in Guwahati

1. What is health insurance?

A. Health insurance is a type of insurance that is available to the citizens of the country as a safety net against the high medical expenses and cost of hospitalization for themselves and their family members.

2. What are the basic health insurance policies that are available against Covid 19?

A. As per IRDAI, the basic health insurance policies that are available against Covid 19 are Covid Kavach Policy and Covid Rakshak Policy.

3. What are some of the basic inclusions of an average health insurance policy?

A. Some of the basic inclusions of an average health insurance policy are,

  • Donor expenses in case of the organ transplant procedure
  • Ambulance charges
  • Pre and post hospitalization expenses
  • Preventive health check-ups
  • Pre-existing illnesses and diseases
  • In-patient hospitalization expenses

4. How many members are generally included in a health insurance plan?

A. A typical health insurance plan includes the spouse, children and parents.

5. What is the eligible age for health insurance?

A. The eligible age for health insurance plans is usually from 18 years to 65 years (70 years in the case of some insurers)

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