Understanding the usage of credit card at fuel stations, most of the credit card companies have come out with a card exclusively for fuel purchase. These cards will help you save more on your fuel expenses.
While choosing a fuel card, you must also look at other features and offers on the card as fuel alone won’t constitute the major transactions that you will do. Look for other features across varied spends and choose the card that is right for you. Following are some of the popular fuel cards offered by popular credit card issuers in India.
ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card
• Get Rs. 500 worth fuel on redemption of 2000 PAYBACK points
• Get 2.5X accelerated reward points on every Rs. 100 spent
• Cashback of up to Rs. 100 on fuel purchase at HPCL petrol pumps
• Get up to 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver when you spend maximum of Rs. 4000 on fuel at HPCL petrol pumps
Indian Oil Citi Platinum Credit Card
• 4 turbo points for every Rs. 150 spent at Indian Oil petrol pumps
• Annual fee is waived on minimum spent of Rs. 30,000 per annum
• Avail concierge services
Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Credit Card
• Enjoy 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver
• 5% cashback on fuel
• 5% cashback on telephone bill
• 5% cashback on utility bills
• 3.25% +1% fuel surcharge waiver on every fuel transaction up to Rs. 4000
• 2000 activation bonus reward points as welcome gift
• Save up to Rs. 1200 annually on fuel expenses
Looking for a credit card that gives you maximum benefits on fuel expenses? You can check your eligibility now at CreditMantri.