It’s hard to determine the best credit card available. It all depends on your income, credit score and eligibility. The greater is your credit health and income, you are guaranteed to become eligible for awesome credit cards with numerous benefits. Moreover, it also depends on the type of credit card you choose based on your spending habits. For example, if you are a shopaholic, getting a credit card that comes with several benefits on travel or fuel can hardly give you any benefit. Following are some of the important things you must keep in mind while choosing a credit card.
- Spending habits – Analyse your monthly expenses and things you spend for the most. Based on the analysis, compare multiple credit cards and choose the one that comes with better features.
- Reward Points - On every purchase, you will earn certain reward points. Some credit card companies provide reward points for every Rs. 100 and some for every Rs. 150 spent. The value of the reward points also may vary for different cards.
- Interest rate - The monthly interest rate may vary for different credit card issuer. Be informed about the interest rates.It’s hard to determine the best credit card available. It all depends on your income, credit score and eligibility. The greater is your credit health and income, you are guaranteed to become eligible for awesome credit cards with numerous benefits. Moreover, it also depends on the type of credit card you choose based on your spending habits. For example, if you are a shopaholic, getting a credit card that comes with several benefits on travel or fuel can hardly give you any benefit. Following are some of the important things you must keep in mind while choosing a credit card.
- Spending habits - Analyse your monthly expenses and things you spend for the most. Based on the analysis, compare multiple credit cards and choose the one that comes with better features.
- Reward Points - On every purchase, you will earn certain reward points. Some credit card companies provide reward points for every Rs. 100 and some for every Rs. 150 spent. The value of the reward points also may vary for different cards.
- Interest rate - The monthly interest rate may vary for different credit card issuer. Be informed about the interest rates.
- Minimum Due Amount - Generally, most credit card companies allow you to pay 5% of your outstanding balance as minimum amount due.
- Annual Fee - Some credit cards are offered for free lifetime and some come with an annual fee which may vary depending on your card type and features.
- If you are looking for a credit that is best suited to your credit needs, you can check your eligibility for free at CreditMantri. Minimum Due Amount – Generally, most credit card companies allow you to pay 5% of your outstanding balance as minimum amount due.
- Annual Fee - Some credit cards are offered for free lifetime and some come with an annual fee which may vary depending on your card type and features.
If you are looking for a credit card that is best suited to your credit needs, you can check your eligibility for free at CreditMantri.