SBI credit cards come with a number of benefits, which can make managing your finances a lot easier. For starters, the interest rates are very low, which means that you can save a lot of money over the long term. Additionally, the bank offers many credit cards that come with NIL joining fees and annual fees.
For a few high-end cards, users have to pay a nominal fee for the privilege of being a member of the SBI credit card club.
Top 10 SBI Credit Cards with their respective annual fees
SBI Credit Card Variants |
Annual Fee |
Rs.499 |
Rs.499 |
Rs.499 |
Rs.499 |
Rs.499 |
Rs.500 |
Rs.1,499 |
Rs.2,999 |
Rs.4,999 |
Air India SBI Signature Card |
Rs.4,999 |
Important point to note:
Most credit cards come with the benefit of annual fee waiver - the annual fee is waived off when the user spends a certain amount of money within a specific period of time. It could either be within the first 3 months or the first 12 months of the card being issued. So users have to learn about these benefits and use the card accordingly to maximize their benefits.