Every credit card comes with special features and benefits. Hence choosing the right credit card will help you reap the benefits out of it. For example, if you are a frequent traveller, a card with a lot of travel perks will be helpful in getting travel privileges and offers. Similarly, a person who shops more can choose the card accordingly.
When it comes to RBL Fun + Credit Card, you need to analyse if the features on the card matches your credit habits. If so, it could be the best credit card for you. Following are the features and benefits of the credit card.
- Complimentary BookMyShow voucher worth Rs. 500
- 5% of cashback dining spends
- Up to 10% discount on movie tickets
- Reward points on every swipe
- Fuel surcharge waiver up to Rs. 100 each month
To compare and apply for RBL credit cards through CreditMantri go here