If you own a credit card, you must settle your bill every month. Each credit card has a billing cycle and it peaks with the monthly billing date. If you are trying to be more financially disciplined, knowing your credit card’s monthly billing date is the first step towards it. Post activation of your new card, the first thing you must find out from ICICI is your monthly billing date. This date remains constant every month but not for all users. It all depends on the time in the month when your card gets activated. If you know the monthly billing date of your ICICI credit card, you can set up an EMI to auto-debit from your account on a particular day every month. This amount will get debited as a written agreement between you, your bank, and ICICI. 

How To Set Up EMIs? 

  • You can convert your credit card bill payment into EMIs with the “EMI on call” facility. 
  • EMIs can be set up for durations of 3,6,9,12,18, and 24 months respectively. 
  • The transaction amount should be at least 3,000.00 under “EMI on call”. 
  • You cannot change cash, gold, fuel, or jewelry into EMI.
  • You will be charged 1.33% monthly under the “EMI on call” system.
  • A one-time processing fee of 2% of the transaction value will be levied. 
  • Transactions older than 30 days cannot be set into EMIs. 


Apply for the latest ICICI Credit Card through Creditmantri. Compare features and benefits before you make a choice. Check them out now!