Your loan with CASHe is cleared once you have repaid all the stipulated installments on your loan. 

CASHe loan Interest rates:

90-day loan / 3 months

a monthly interest rate of 2.50% flat

At the end of each paying month, you will be given a 5-day interest-free grace period to repay your dues.

Any subsequent delays, however, will be subject to a 0.1 percent flat interest fee per day (including the 5-day grace period) on subsequent days.

180-day loan / 6 months 

flat 2.40% per month interest

At the end of each paying month, you will be given a 5-day interest-free grace period to repay your dues.

270-day loan / 9 months

2.25% rate of interest per month on the loan amount

1 year / 12 months

2.25% rate of interest per month on the loan amount

1.5 years / 18 months

2.25% rate of interest per month on the loan amount


Repayments to CASHe can be made via NEFT, IMPS or UPI only. Repayment via cash or cheque is not accepted.