Never forget two things in life. To eat and to pay your credit card bills on time. Because obviously eating is essential but paying your credit card bill on time not only reduces your debt but also you don’t have to pay late payment fee and other penalties levied by credit card companies.
SBI Cards offer multiple ways to pay your bills both online and offline, conveniently and quickly. Each method is different in terms of payment processing which you need to know before initiating a credit card bill payment.
Here’s how to pay your SBI credit card bill through UPI:
To make payment for your SBI credit card through UPI,
- Download the BHIM SBI Pay app
- Next, login to your BHIM SBI Pay account and register with your phone number.
- Now create VPA (Virtual Payment Address) and set your UPI pin.
- To pay your credit card bill, click on 'Pay by VPA' (Virtual Payment Address). This should be the 16-digit number of your SBI credit card. For example: Sbicard. 4726420123456789@SBI
- Then enter the payment amount and select 'Go'. After this, verify the bank account MPIN and select 'Submit'.
- The payment status will immediately get reflected in your account.