Before applying for a credit card with any bank, it is important to check your credit profile. You credit profile consist of your credit score and past record of your credit activities. When you apply for a credit score, the lenders make a hard enquiry for your credit profile based on which your application is processed. Remember that every hard enquiry can affect your credit score.
To make sure you have a good credit profile and avoid being rejected, check your credit score beforehand and apply for a credit card with any bank.
You can apply for a Kotak Mahindra credit card by visiting the official website of the bank. You may have to provide your contact details for the executives to get in touch with you. After submitting the necessary documents, it will be processed for verification. Once approved, you will get the credit card within a week.
If you have already taken any credit product from Kotak Mahindra Bank, you are very much likely to get a credit card without any documentation.
There are also lot of financial online portals like CreditMantri where you can apply for a credit card. Such platforms help you compare multiple credit cards from various lenders and choose the best one for you.