Whether you have taken a personal loan, home loan, car loan, or any other loan product from HDFC, the bank allows you to repay the remaining EMIs at one go. Repaying the remaining EMIs at one-shot is a great way to go debt-free and boost your credit score.
Repaying all EMIs at once is known as pre-closing the loan account. If you wish to pay all the pending EMIs at one go, here’s what you should do. Visit the loan officer at your nearest HDFC bank branch. Enquire the current balance in your loan account. The loan officer will also intimate you of any pre-closure charges or penalties.
Pay the entire balance amount (sum of all pending EMIs + preclosure charges, if any) using a cheque or DD. The loan officer provides you with an acknowledgment of the balance amount along with the loan closing letter.
Additional Reading: Can I Pay My Personal Loan Emi Through Credit Card