Before embarking on any search for credit you should attempt to look at your credit profile, a credit profile is a comprehensive profile which consists of a bureau credit score and a record of all your past credit accounts, in other words how you have performed in the past. If you are looking for a loan from a top lender in the country like ICICI at agreeable rates for a personal loan; a good credit profile and hence a good credit is fundamentally important.
Each bank checks your repaying ability to get a personal loan. Similarly, ICICI bank too has set a limit. A salaried individual should be earning minimum of INR 17,500 per month and INR 25,000 for applicants residing in Mumbai and Delhi and INR 20,000 for applicants living in Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and Bangalore.
For self-employed non-professionals, the minimum turn over should be INR 40 Lakhs and INR 15 Lakhs for self-employed professionals to be eligible for a personal loan with ICICI bank.