Credit cards are not issued to everyone who applies for a credit card. There are a lot of factors that are taken into consideration before giving a credit card. These factors are employment, salary, credit history and also if the person has taken any other loan. This is to ensure that you will be able to repay the loan on time.
Many credit card issuers have introduced new credit cards to individuals having a low income. These cards are available for individuals with a salary starting from Rs. 18,000.
Best Credit cards are given below for low income:
Rs.0 |
Rewards |
SBI Tata Titanium Credit Card |
Rs.499 |
Shopping |
Rs.499 |
Online Shopping |
Rs.499 |
Daily Shopping |
HDFC Bharat CashBack Card |
Rs.500 |
Cashback |
Rs.500 |
Rewards |
Rs.1,000 |
Rewards and travel |
Rs.1,000 |
Premium Lifestyle |
HDFC Diners ClubMiles Credit Card |
Rs.1,000 |
Travel |
Disadvantages Of Low Income Credit Cards
- These cards have lower credit limits.
- A low income credit card may not provide premium features
- The issuers of these cards may not have tie-ups with the most commonly used brands.
- These cards may not be useful in developing credibility.
- These cards have limited scope in terms of usability and acceptability.
Applying for a low income credit card
- Visit Creditmantri to apply for credit card online
- You can select a credit card depending in your needs
- You can check the eligibility online
- You can then select the credit card and apply for it on the given site
Also Read: CIBIL™ score is required for a credit card