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Canara Bank Personal Loan 24X7 Customer Care Numbers

Canara Bank customer care service is available for the benefit of the customers 24x7 on all days except 3 national holidays (15th August, 26th January and 2nd October). Customers can call the toll free number of the bank to get any information with respect to the personal loans offered by the bank or any other general queries that the customers may have regarding their day to day banking.

Canara Bank Personal Loan Customer Care Number
Canara Bank 24X7 Personal Loan Customer Care Number

What is the Canara Bank Personal Loan Customer Care Number?

Canara Bank Personal Loan Customer Care

The toll-free number for Canara Bank customer care service is 1800 425 0018. The is the centralized customer care toll-free number wherein the customer care executives are specialized and trained to handle any kind of queries or concerns of the customers related to the various products and services offered by the bank. The customers can call on the given toll-free number anytime as this service is available 24x7 on all days (except the three national holidays).

The customers can alternatively email their queries or concerns at hocss[at]canarabank[dot]com

The customers can also communicate the customer care service section at the head office of the bank at the following address

Customer Service Section

Divisional Manager

Canara Bank,

SP&D Wing,

Head Office,

No.112, JC Road,

Bangalore -560002

Telephone - 080- 22221581/582/0490/0491/1788/ 1789/ 1790/1984/1985/1986

The bank also has a digital banking facility for the customers to connect with the bank and carry out their transactions without the need to physically visit the bank. The digital banking facility of the bank is known as CanDigital.

The other mode of communication available to the customers is the online chat facility that the customers can avail by connecting to the chat portal on the bank’s website.

Canara bank has separate customer care channels for international customers to contact the bank. The bank has numerous regional/circle offices for this purpose situated in various cities in India as well as a centralized office dedicated to serving the needs of the NRI customers with respect to retail banking or Forex related issues. The contact details of the centralized offices of the bank catering to NRI customers are given below.





  HEAD OFFICE (Annex), 3rd FLOOR


  J C ROAD, BENGALURU – 560002


Telephone - 91 80-22538565

Email - nrihub[at]canarabank[dot]com

NRI & MI (Forex) Division, MUMBAI







Telephone - 91 22-26725118

Email - nriserviceidmum[at]canarabank[dot]com

Apart the above different ways to connect the bank, it also has a chatbot facility named ‘Canara Saathi’ that assists the customers with any kind of assistance with regards to the products and services of the bank or any other information like locating the nearest branch/ATM, interest rates , etc. Customers need not log in to avail this service. It is available to potential customers as well.

What is a Personal Loan

Personal loans are the quickest and the easiest forms of cash loans that the customers can avail to satisfy their immediate personal needs like purchase of some new household commodity/durable, medical emergencies, weddings or any special occasions, travel, etc.

Canara Bank Personal Loans

Canara Bank offers easy and affordable loans to customers with minimum documentation and easy repayment options. The bank has classified the personal loans under various names depending on the purpose/requirement and the target consumer. Some of the types of personal loans offered by the bank are Canara Budget, Canara Consumer Loans, Canara Pension, Canara Teacher’s Loan, and Doctor’s Loan (easy loans for doctors).

The details of the same are enlisted below.


  • Purpose – Any genuine personal or domestic needs except speculation
  • Eligibility – 
  • employees of Central/State Government, PSUs, Joint Stock Companies, IT/BT companies, Lecturers, Professors/Assistant Professors of College/Universities/Research Institutions
  • Salary account has to be maintained with the Bank
  • Minimum Take Home Salary to be Rs. 10,000 p.m or 25% whichever is higher (after considering proposed EMIs)
  • Amount of Loan Sanctioned – Rs.3,00,000 or 6 month’s salary (whichever is lower). Bank may also consider a higher loan amount to sanction depending on its discretion
  • Rate of Interest – 12.40% - 14.45% (depending on the credit score of the applicant and the bank’s policy)
  • Repayment Period – 60 months (5 years)
  • Security – The bank requires a co-obligation for salaried applicants to the equivalent of the loan amount
  • Processing charges – Canara Bank charges a nominal charge of 0.5% of the loan amount (subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,000 and maximum of Rs. 5,000)
  • Documents Required – Bank has a detailed list of all the documents required on its official website.


  • Purpose – To help individuals buy consumer durables, household appliances, furniture, etc.
  • Eligibility – Salaried individuals having a monthly net salary of Rs. 6,000 or 40%of gross salary (whichever is higher) after considering the proposed EMI, also, the salary of such an individual has to be credited with the Bank.
  • Professionals or Businessmen having a minimum net income of Rs. 1,50,000 as per the latest ITR.
  • Spousal income can also be considered to meet the income criteria in the case of salaried individuals as well as professionals and businessmen.
  • Amount of Loan Sanctioned –  In case of a salaried individual: Lower of, 75% of the invoice value, 15 month’s salary, Rs. 1,00,000
  • Others(professional/Businessmen): Lower of 75% of the invoice value,50% of net annual income, Rs. 1,00,000
  • Repayment period – 36 months (3 years)
  • Rate of Interest – 12.55% - 14.60% (depending on the applicant’s credit score and the bank’s guidelines)
  • Security – The Bank requires a personal guarantee or co-obligation and also has the policy for hypothecation of the article in case of non-repayment of the loan.
  • Processing charges – The bank charges a nominal processing fee of 1% of the loan amount.
  • Documents required- Customers can get the entire list of the documents to be submitted on the bank’s official website.


  • Purpose – To enable pensioners meet their personal expenses or needs and cost of any medical expenses that they may have.
  • Eligibility – Following persons drawing pensions from Canara Bank
  • Central/State Government Pensioners, Government Department Undertakings, Public Sector Undertakings, Corporate Pensioners, Family Pensioners of all the above persons are also eligible to avail loan under this scheme.
  • Amount of Loan Sanctioned – Lower of,  15 month’s Pension 40% of Gross Pension (after proposed EMI) Rs. 5,00,000
  • Repayment period – 60 months (5 years) if the age of the pensioner is above 65 years, 72 months (6 years) if the age of the pensioner is below 65 years.
  • Rate of Interest –11.35% 
  • Security – The Bank requires a co-obligation of spouse or any other person or pensioner for the loan amount sought (as specified or if necessary as per the bank’s policy) in case the loan is given to the pensioner. If the loan is to be given to family pensioners a third party co-obligation or guarantee for the loan amount sought has to be secured.
  • Processing charges – The bank does not charge any processing fee with respect to any loans disbursed under this scheme.
  • Documents required- Customers can get the entire list of the documents to be submitted on the bank’s official website.


  • Purpose – Any genuine personal or domestic needs except speculation
  • Eligibility – Following persons having a salary account with Canara Bank,
  • Teaching and non-teaching staff of school or college have a commitment to not shift their salary account without a NOC from the bank.
  • Take-home salary (after proposed EMIs) should be higher of, Rs. 10,000 or 30% of gross salary
  • Amount of Loan Sanctioned – Lower of,  10 month’s Gross Salary Rs. 3,00,000
  • Repayment period – 48 months (4 years) 
  • Rate of Interest –12.05% - 14.10% (depending on the applicant’s credit score and the bank’s guidelines)
  • Security – The Bank requires a suitable co-obligation acceptable as per the policy of the bank
  • Processing charges – The bank charges a nominal processing fee of 1% of the loan amount on all loan applications with a minimum of Rs. 50
  • Documents required- Customers can get the entire list of the documents to be submitted on the bank’s official website.

Grievance Redressal

Canara Bank has a thorough system in place to address any issues regarding personal loans or any other products and services offered by the bank. The customers can contact the general toll free customer care number 1800 425 0018 for their queries relating to the interest rates offered for various types of personal loans of the bank, repayment tenure, collateral requirements (if any), etc. as well as register their complaints online with the bank’s online grievance registration portal and check the status of their complaint.

The customers of the Bank can also contact the nodal officers of the respective regions with regards to any queries. The bank has a total of 23 Nodal Officers appointed under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme for this purpose. The contact information of the respective nodal officers is available on the official website of the Bank.

The Bank also has the facility for the customers to reach them by post in case they cannot reach the customer care by means of toll free numbers or email. The customers can reach the Divisional Manager for addressing their complaints and grievances in such case. The postal address for the same is given below,

Customer Service Section

Divisional Manager

Canara Bank,

SP&D Wing,

Head Office,

No.112 , JC Road,

Bangalore -560002

Telephone - 080-22115526

Email - hocss1[at]canarabank[dot]com

Locate the Bank

Canara bank has a separate portal on its website to locate the nearest branch or ATMs. The customer has to select the required input in order to get state wise and district wise details of all the branches of the bank across the country.

About the Bank

Canara Bank is one of the largest public sector banks in India having its headquarters in Bangalore. It has a huge network of 6310 branches and 8851 ATMs with a global presence catering to its customers all over the world.


1.What is the email id of the NRI customer helpdesk related to retail banking issues?

The NRI Division customer care email id for retail banking related issues is nrihub[at]canarabank[dot]com.

2.What is the name of the ChatBot of Canara bank?

The bank has has a ChatBot facility called Canara Saathi to assist the customers with any information regarding the products ans services of the bank.

3.What is Canara Swipe?

The bank’s mobile banking app is called Canara Swipe.

4. Is credit score considered in determining the rate of interest for a loan applicant?

Credit score of an applicant is definitely considered in determining the rate of interest applicable to such applicant. Better the credit score, lower the interest rate.

5.Is the toll free customer care service available on all days throughout the year?

Canara Bank toll free customer care number is available on all days 24x7 except on the three National Holidays i.e., 15th August, 26th January and 2nd October

Canara Bank Personal Loan Customer Care - Customer Reviews

4 / 5 (73 Reviews)
4.2 Stars
Five Stars
4 Sep 2020

Product offers,Usefulness of information,Credit Report Analysis,Website/app interface,Good credi score

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