Swiping your credit card for any purchase is very easy. You enjoy the credit period to the fullest and also purchase the things you like. But, when it comes to payment of bills of the used credit cards, even the best managers fail to keep a track of them. A single repayment if missed can cost you a lot of penalties and charges which can affect the financial budget. 

For users of multiple credit cards, keeping a track of all the bill payments is in itself a great task. Managing the deadlines every month becomes very cumbersome. As a solution to this problem, a lot of credit card users have resorted to using the CRED application. CRED allows you to use various tech-driven interventions such as using alerts and reminders to manage your money and credit better.

Read on to find some more reasons to use the CRED application for managing your credit.

Making Timely Payments Every Month

With a large number of bills and multiple credit cards used, one tends to forget the deadlines and the minimum amount that is due on different dates of the month. Paying your bills on time can help you manage your debt better and can also help you to improve your credit score .If a  good credit score is maintained, you can get better interest rates on future loans. For this reason, it is always better to activate the auto debit facility and payment alerts. This way you can always be on top of the payment schedule and never miss out on payments. The CRED app helps to intimate its members on time for the payments to be done and also provides certain incentives for doing so. 

Paying Multiple Bills Through A Single Platform

Using CRED can not only help you manage your credit card payments but also rent, education fees, insurance premiums and phone bills. CRED also provides liquidity benefits and rewards to its users. Thus making payments on time has a new benefit to it if you are using CRED.

Deals and Offers

The CRED application helps you to use your multiple credit cards and also use specific credit cards for every purchase. It helps you to track the offers that are available on these cards and avail curated packages for CRED members. This helps you to make substantial savings on your purchases.

Identify Errors and Raise Disputes

Maintaining an error-free credit report is of utmost importance. This is where CRED helps its members to maintain an error-free report. The AI-backed system the application uses helps its members to get a notification in case of any suspicious transaction or activity on the card. The application also identifies and reports any hidden charges or extra costs in the billing statement. The CRED application helps to raise any disputes in the billing statement that is sent by the credit card issuer.

Taking Control

With an application like CRED, you are in complete control of the credit cards that you own and of the payments that you make. By using CRED Protect, you can gain access to category-based analysis of all the transactions and analyze if there are any hidden charges or costs that are levied on you.

Enjoy a Longer Credit Period 

A lot of CRED application users are using the RentPay service that is available on the app. With this, you can avail of a credit period of up to 45 days and also use CRED coins as a cashback for paying rent using the application.

Rewards and Safety

The CRED app has been attractive for all users as they offer many rewards and offers to them. These offers are in the form of cashbacks and jackpots that are offered to the members using the application. The application also offers a unique selection of brands, and products at the CRED store. This has made the application more attractive for young users. 

Since all the data that is used in the CRED application is encrypted, safety is taken very thoroughly and users can be stress-free about this aspect.

Pay Bills For Any Credit Card

Using the CRED app, you can pay bills with any credit card. The only condition is the credit card number and the date of expiry should be valid. You can add a card to your payment list and pay for the bills. But, you should be aware that reminders will be given for the card that you add to the payment list of the application.


Credit Card Bill payment is a chore nowadays and with the help of applications like CRED, it becomes easier to manage a whole lot of due dates and the payments related to them. The application ensures safety and convenience. CRED also makes sure that rewards and other benefits are given to the customers to make the most of using credit cards and yet make the process hassle-free.

FAQS of Why use CRED to pay credit card bills?

1:How to pay a credit card bill on CRED?
    1.Login to your account through the CRED app. 

    2. Select the credit card that you wish to make the payment for

    3. Select the pay now option and make the payment .

2:Is the CRED app safe?

Yes, since all the data used by the app is encrypted, it is safe to use CRED app for making payments.

3:What are CRED coins?

These are rewards that are converted to coins in the application. These coins can be used to gain exclusive access to products and also rewards.