The usage of credit cards is on the rise like never before. With credit limits increasing and more amount available to spend at your disposal, it can happen that you swipe your card a little more than necessary. Thus, to keep your swiping in check, you should know about your credit card balance at all times. Along with the balance, it is also necessary to monitor your due amount so you can plan your repayments properly. 

It is actually quite easy to check your credit card balance and due amount. Below, we’ll have a look at the steps to do so, ensuring that you stay aware of your balances and make purchases using your card accordingly. 

What is Credit Card Balance? 

Your credit card has a monthly limit that you can spend. Your credit card balance is the amount of money left as a credit in your account after you make a purchase. It is important to keep checking your credit card balance because as you get into the habit of using your card frequently for making purchases, you might not realise and spend more than the actual limit.

The statement balance represents your complete credit card debt. This includes unpaid bills and new charges. You are obligated to pay the bank this sum. If you're late, you'll have to pay extra fees. 

How To Check Your Credit Card Balance And Due Amount Using Different Methods 

1. Internet Banking 

Log in to your bank's online banking to check your credit card balance. You usually find the login details in your welcome kit. Online signup is available at certain banks.

Your balance information can be found on the homepage or within “My Account.” If your monthly statement isn't ready, check the "unbilled transactions" for what you owe.

Choose a strong, easy-to-remember password when you set up your account. Online banking shows your balance, recent spending, and other account details. 

2. Mobile Application

Conveniently check your credit card details with your bank's app. If you already use online banking, just log in to the app to see your balance. The app also lets you send money, change your information, and update your personal details. 

3. SMS 

Your bank will send you SMS alerts about your credit card spending. Check these messages to see your balance. 

4. Customer Care 

Call your bank's customer service to find out your credit card minimum balance. They'll ask for a PIN to confirm your identity. Customer service is generally available 24/7. 

5. Visit the Bank 

Your bank's branch can provide your credit card balance information. Bank staff will need some card information to help you. This takes longer than using online or mobile options.

6. Check the Statement 

Banks send credit card statements every month. You can get them by email or regular mail. Most statements are password-protected. The password is usually a combination of your card number or birthday, etc. 

7. Visit an ATM

You can check your credit card balance and due date at any ATM. You'll need your PIN. If you don't have a PIN, try other ways to check. 

Disclaimer: All the methods and other information specified above are sourced when this page was written and are subject to change. For exact information, refer to the official website of your credit card or contact them. 

Benefits of Regularly Checking Your Credit Card Balance 

  • See what you owe. Check your balance to know how much you need to pay. You can also see new charges and report mistakes. This helps you avoid late fees. 

  • Track your spending. Knowing your balance helps you control spending. You won't be surprised if your card gets declined. 

  • Find fraud. Review your balance to spot fake charges. Report these to your bank right away to protect your money. 

Find the Right Credit Card for You! 

Choosing the right credit card can be overwhelming with countless options available. That's where CreditMantri comes in! We offer a comprehensive platform to compare credit cards from various banks based on your specific needs and requirements. 

How CreditMantri Can Help: 

  • Compare Credit Cards: Easily compare different credit cards side-by-side based on features, rewards, fees, and interest rates. 

  • Check Eligibility: Determine your eligibility for different credit cards before applying. 

  • Apply Online: Submit your credit card application directly through our platform. 

  • Expert Advice: Get personalized recommendations based on your financial profile and spending habits. 

Visit CreditMantri today to find the perfect credit card that suits your lifestyle! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How can I apply for a credit card in India? 

Credit card applications can be submitted at a bank branch, through the bank's website, or by calling customer service. 

2. How many credit cards can I have? 

You can have many credit cards. For example, you could have one card for fuel discounts and another for shopping discounts. 

3. How can I increase my credit card limit? 

A higher credit limit is often available to those with good credit. Establish a strong credit history by paying bills promptly. 

4. What is a credit balance refund? 

The credit balance refund is a monetary amount owed to you by your credit card company. It happens when you pay too much. The company usually puts the extra money back on your card. Sometimes, you can get a check or have the money put into your bank account.  

5. What happens if I overpay my credit card balance? 

If you overpay your credit card, you have extra money on your card. You can use this money to pay future bills.  

6. How long does a credit balance refund take? 

You usually get a refund check in about 10 days. If you mail a request, the bank has to send you a check within 7 days. If you have an account with the bank, they might put the money in your account. 

Disclaimer: This page includes information that has been compiled from many sources and is only offered for informational purposes. Since this type of data might change over time, we cannot guarantee that the information supplied or included within it is accurate. It is anticipated that the user would confirm with the relevant source prior to taking any choices or actions.